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Sterling Harris

The Spiritual Principle of Forgiveness happens when I/we forgive people by faith and obedience through THE WORD of God. There is a blessing by OUR Father in Heaven coming from that; as well as peace and prosperity for OUR Souls and Lives.

WHO do You Need to FORGIVE TODAY? Yourself? God? Mom or Dad? A Brother or Sister? A Current or Former Spouse? A Family Member? A Friend? A Boss or Co-Worker? A Neighbor? An Enemy? Someone who has wronged or hurt you?

1 Peter 5:7 AMP says “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”

Ask The Holy Spirit to bring to your heart and mind who you need to forgive. Whoever He brings to your heart and mind, forgive them by Faith. Do not rob yourself of the opportunity God has shown you by saying and telling yourself, “I have already forgiven them, or I don’t have unforgiveness for that person.”

God sees things you don’t see and knows things about you that not even you know. Forgiveness is a PROCESS NOT a one-time event. Following His lead in who needs to be forgiven by you, will allow God to fulfill the promises in HIS WORD. Your heart will be blessed, and your life will be prospered. Forgiveness is NOT about the other person or agreeing with the wrong that was done to you. Forgiveness IS about setting yourself free of bondage and giving yourself back the Power in Your Life. So take your POWER Back!

When I practice the Unforgiveness Purge, there are three people that God always brings to my Spirit, Heart, and Mind. The first is God, the second is my earthly father, and the third is myself. The rest of the people that are brought forth to me differ at various times, but these three are always constant. I practice this forgiveness process several times a week and sometimes even several times a day depending on what He presses upon me. Some purges are more in depth than others, but it is a constant practice and a continual way of living.

You may be asking yourself, “What do I say?” There is no magic formula. We have a teaching on the 5 steps of walking in Love and Forgiveness in the Freedom Center that you can check out to learn more, and we encourage you to do that. At the same time, let me give you what I use in a short version.

As The Holy Spirit brings people, situations, and circumstances to my heart, I say “Lord, I forgive_________ in Jesus’ Name, and I release that person and situation to You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.” During a forgiveness purge, I am turning my will over to God in trusting that I can NEVER go wrong when forgiving anyone. We can all always use extra forgiveness as there is no such thing as giving out too much forgiveness. The worst thing that can happen is that I just give out more forgiveness; which in-turn makes my heart even more loving, peaceful, and powerful!

Practicing Forgiveness, Training in Forgiveness, and Living in a Perpetual Mindset of God’s Love and Forgiveness is NOT easy. It takes Practice, Honesty, Love, and Courage on a DAILY basis, but when you experience the joy of living in a state of forgiveness, you realize that your peace and prosperity are worth it!

Allow yourself to be blessed so that you can, in turn, be a blessing to yourself, others, and most importantly to GOD. For WE are to SHOW FORTH HIS GLORY in OUR lives on a Daily Basis, and in order to do that, you have to Live Free and Walking in LOVE. The Choice is Yours.

God Bless YOU! Always Remember, Jesus Loves YOU! #SpreadGodsLove

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